On Friday I picked up the car and was on my way to Nauvoo to meet up with the Moores! I had the privilege of teaching Jean on my mission. I have grown very close to the family. A year and half after her baptism, Sister Ryan and I returned to TN to join the family at the temple when they were sealed. Now, their oldest son Matt has received his mission call and was receiving his endowment in the Nauvoo temple.
I was ex tactic! Just after I picked up my rental car, I received a call from Ronnie wondering when they'd be able to see me! He had to hold on about 3 hours! My drive was very scenic... ok so not if you're don't like flat... farm land as far as the eye can see... however, I have the mountains in Utah... I was very fascinated to see a new state...
Once I was on I-80, I had an ear to ear grin! I couldn't wait and I couldn't seem to get there fast enough (No worries... I didn't speed too much!) I was in awe the entire drive. Everything seemed so green! I wanted to get there so quickly, I took as many pictures as I could while driving... (once again... no worries.... I just held the camera and was amazed at how well some of the pictures turned out!
I had many amazing experiences on my trip. That night while some went to a show and others hung out at the house... I took my own Journey. The house we were staying in wasn't far away... I decided to take my Ipod, a book and Journal I had gotten for the Moores and Matt and walk to the temple. It was a Peaceful night and I"m so glad I was able to go! I sat out side the temple writing and taking pictures. I got there just in time to see the sun set....
It soon came time for me to meet up with Jean and Diane at the Custard shop... (it was the only place open till 9:30 and we wanted Ice Cream!) I was however, sad to have to leave the temple! I wasn't finished writing in Matt's Missionary Journal I had bought him... oh well.... I'll get it done!
One of my favorite experiences that night happened really late... I had the privilege of talking to Matt. Just he and I on the porch. The spirit was strong! I don't remember the last time I felt it so strong. I truly felt I was in the right place at the right time. I felt the Lord Guiding me. It was such a great feeling. A feeling I haven't felt in a long time! I will never for get that night!!! Thanks Matt!
I felt so lucky to be able to be there and share this special moment with my friends. They are truly amazing people and I love them so much!!!
The next morning we got up and ready to go to the temple. It was so nice to find myself here once again with the family... There were many times I had to pinch myself to make sure I was really here!
When we were finished at the temple, we packed up and went to lunch... Then came the hard part... I had to say good bye. It was hard... I know I will see them again soon... I still wish I could spend a little more time with them!
After saying good bye, I took my time and drove around Old Nauvoo and took more pictures at the temple. It was so nice and hot! I walked the trail of Hope and took a moment to think on my own ancesters that had to leave Nauvoo... The spirit was strong and I hated to leave... but alas, the time had come....
I soon headed back to Des Moines, Iowa to spend time with Brinkerhoff. We went to the store, got some dinner, and stayed up late chatting... It was so good go see her! The trip was amazing! I can't stop thinking about it and how I wish I could have stayed a little longer, however, work was calling me home... I had two more weeks of teaching and lots to get done...I still can't believe I pulled the trip off! It was totally worth it!!!